

The firm’s insurance practice was among the winners at Asia Business Law Journal’s Malaysia Law Firm Awards 2023, where the firm was ranked one of the top 4 law firms (each firm of equal standing) for the practice area of Insurance and Reinsurance.


Our work in the area of insurance covers both advice/legal opinions and litigation.

We are in a position to advise on all issues relating to insurance policies (both life insurance and general insurance), the interpretation of policies as well as issues arising under relevant statutes (such as the Financial Services Act 2013) and the regulations thereunder. Our team has experience in reviewing and advising on an assortment of insurance policies and insurance products, as well as other related documentation in the industry (such as in regard to bancassurance), as well as advising on insurance issues such as the validity of claims made under policies, breach of the duty of uberrima fides, misrepresentation, fraud, limitation and so on. We have also drafted investment-linked insurance products and clauses and endorsements under policies. 

International financial institutions in the insurance and re-insurance sector have sought our advice on the Malaysian legal and regulatory framework (including that of Labuan) in respect of the insurance and re-insurance industry.

Our advice extends to corporate communication with policy-holders and liaison with the regulators.

In addition, clients have been advised on their legal position where there may be apparent conflicts between one statute and another, or between one regulator and another. In the past few years, we have been representing several insurers in issues arising from actions and/or decisions and/or informal rulings made by different regulators that have caused concern to our clients.

As for litigation, the firm has for many years represented insurance companies in the Malaysian courts. Our experienced litigators are familiar with the various kinds of contractual and/or tortious claims that can arise from insurance policies.


Tai Chu Wei

Partner – Corporate & Commercial
+603-2632 9891

Management Partner – Head of Dispute Resolution
(Member of the Firm’s Executive Committee)
+603-2632 9877

Partner – Corporate & Commercial
+603-2632 9887

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