Congratulations, Priyanka Prabhakaran

Raja, Darryl & Loh is very happy to announce that with effect from 1 March 2025, Priyanka Prabhakaran moves on up and joins the ranks of partners of the Firm.

Priyanka is part of RDL’s Corporate and Commercial practice and plays a pivotal role in advancing RDL’s Regulatory and Compliance practice. A substantial part of her practice involves advising on regulatory compliance under multiple legal frameworks (including under the purview of regulatory authorities such as Bank Negara Malaysia, Securities Commission to name a few) and has considerable experience handling a myriad of related issues and advisory (including licensing and/or registration framework with such various regulatory authorities). The clients Priyanka supports include financial institutions (digital banks and fintech players), registered market operators, payment systems / services operators and providers, merchant acquirers and from other industries such as hospitality to tourism and travel agencies. Raja, Darryl & Loh looks forwards to the continuous and exciting growth in this space with Priyanka – Congratulations and all the best, Priyanka!

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