
Amendments to the Bankruptcy Act 1967

The new Bankruptcy (Amendment) Act 2017, which came into force on 6th October 2017, has renamed the existing Bankruptcy Act 1967 as the “Insolvency Act 1967”. The new Act will bring about significant changes to the law and, along with…

Federal Court: Liability of A Private Hospital

Decision of the Federal Court on Liability of A Private Hospital Partners Darryl Goon and Raja Eileen Soraya together with Senior Associate Joni Jacqueline Benedict successfully reversed the finding of liability against a private hospital for the negligence of a…

International Intellectual Property

Partner Chew Phye Keat has co-authored the chapter on “Proposal for a PAN-ASEAN Trademark Registration: A Case for the Practical Application of the Interoperability Principle” in a new book titled “International Intellectual Property and the ASEAN Way”. Professor Stacey Dogan…

Federal Court decision in The Edge case

In 2015, we had obtained an order from the High Court to quash the decision of the Government that had suspended The Edge Financial Daily and The Edge, two publications owned by our client, the Edge Media Group, because of…

Cryptocurrency Exchanges

Cryptocurrency Exchanges To Be Designated As Reporting Institutions & New Requirement For Banking And Money Services Business It has been reported that Bank Negara Malaysia will designate persons converting cryptocurrencies into fiat money currencies as “reporting institutions” under the Anti-Money…

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